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Springtime in Manchester

Hello from Manchester, England!

It’s springtime in England - and one way I can tell is because my allergies are acting up! 🤧 But, the trees are in bloom, the grass is green, and the temperatures are rising.

During the second month of my travel stays, I have usually found my groove. That is certainly the case here. I'm comfortable in my Airbnb, got the train schedules figured out, all settled in my daily co-working and gym routine, and it feels really good.

I've also had the chance to roam around a bit and explore more of Manchester. As I've already discovered, history is in my backyard. And on May 6th, current history was made here as well, with the Coronation of King Charles III.

The Coronation of King Charles III

The United Kingdom has recently witnessed a historic event with the coronation of its new king. The ceremony, held at Westminster Abbey, was a grand affair attended by numerous dignitaries from around the world.

Although I wasn't in London, there were many celebrations across the country, with street parties and parades being held to mark the occasion. The coronation marks the start of a new era in the history of the UK, and many are looking forward to seeing what the future holds under the new king's leadership. However, there was some varying opinions.

I interviewed some people for my podcast, and you can listen below!

John Rylands Institute and Library

I walk by The John Rylands Research Institute and Library here in Manchester every day, so I thought I’d stop in. It was founded in 1899 by Enriqueta Rylands in memory of her husband.

John Rylands, was a multimillionaire cotton manufacturer who profited from slave labor but also sold some "free-grown" cotton not produced by slave laborers - so there's that.

The Gothic-style building itself is an architectural masterpiece, featuring intricate stone carvings and stained glass windows. The library has an extensive collection of rare books and manuscripts including works by famous writers like Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.

You can even sit, plug in. and work for a while - definitely Harry Potter vibes going on here. But it’s a fun visit, and since it’s free to get in, I may come back!

Castlefield Viaduct

Castlefield Viaduct is a historic railway bridge (built in 1892) that spans across the River Irwell in Manchester, England. Today, the viaduct has been converted into a pedestrian and cycle path, offering stunning views of the city and its surroundings.

The viaduct is an impressive structure, with 27 arches stretching over 300 meters in length.

The viaduct has undergone extensive renovations in recent years, and it is now an iconic landmark in Manchester's urban landscape, attracting visitors from around the world. But, it's still a work in progress.

Bob Tapper: Life Abroad, a documentary travel podcast

For a more indepth look into my life abroad, you can always listen to my most recent podcasts - and don't forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!


Despite some occasional sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes, I'm truly enjoying my time here. This summer, I'm headed to Leeds, which is only about 30 miles away from Manchester, but the atmosphere is slightly different. Nonetheless, it's still northern England, and there are numerous places to discover and visit.

As autumn is approaching, I'm starting to think about my next destination. While I have a few possibilities in mind, nothing is set in stone yet. I'm grateful for the opportunity to embark on this journey.

I really appreciate those who have been reading this blog. Thanks for following along!


Bob Tapper

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